Impactul științei asupra societății

Descoperiți cum știința influențează viața noastră de zi cu zi.

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Despre Sciences Impacts

Sciences Impacts se dedică promovării transparenței și responsabilității în știință, oferind informații clare despre termeni și condiții, precum și confidențialitate.

Two people are seated in front of a laptop screen that displays a webpage. The webpage features text about a social wall solution compliant with GDPR and CCPA. Both of the individuals' hands are visible as they interact with the laptop. The background shows a modern office environment with chairs and a potted plant.
Two people are seated in front of a laptop screen that displays a webpage. The webpage features text about a social wall solution compliant with GDPR and CCPA. Both of the individuals' hands are visible as they interact with the laptop. The background shows a modern office environment with chairs and a potted plant.
A close-up of a smartphone screen displaying a settings and privacy menu. The text appears slightly blurred, with options like settings, privacy shortcuts, and terms and policies visible. The background is out of focus, creating a contrast with the darker foreground.
A close-up of a smartphone screen displaying a settings and privacy menu. The text appears slightly blurred, with options like settings, privacy shortcuts, and terms and policies visible. The background is out of focus, creating a contrast with the darker foreground.
A close-up view of computer code or data displayed on a screen. The text appears to be part of a JSON-like structure with key-value pairs, featuring words such as 'protected', 'verified', and 'followers'. The text is in white, while some metadata or index numbers are in green.
A close-up view of computer code or data displayed on a screen. The text appears to be part of a JSON-like structure with key-value pairs, featuring words such as 'protected', 'verified', and 'followers'. The text is in white, while some metadata or index numbers are in green.

Misiunea Noastră

Ne angajăm să respectăm confidențialitatea utilizatorilor noștri, asigurându-ne că informațiile sunt gestionate conform celor mai bune practici și reglementărilor legale.

Servicii diverse

Oferim soluții personalizate pentru nevoile dumneavoastră în domeniul științelor și impactului social.

A wall filled with various posters and graffiti in multiple colors. Some posters include messages like 'Your right to privacy has been revoked,' 'There's no app for this,' and 'Take sharing offline.' Artistic elements include a cartoonish skeleton figure and various abstract faces. The scene shows a mix of street art and political or social commentary.
A wall filled with various posters and graffiti in multiple colors. Some posters include messages like 'Your right to privacy has been revoked,' 'There's no app for this,' and 'Take sharing offline.' Artistic elements include a cartoonish skeleton figure and various abstract faces. The scene shows a mix of street art and political or social commentary.
A computer screen displaying a data analytics dashboard with graphs and charts. A blue line graph shows fluctuations in data over time, and a section highlights the number of page views. A pie chart is partially visible, indicating a breakdown of different data elements.
A computer screen displaying a data analytics dashboard with graphs and charts. A blue line graph shows fluctuations in data over time, and a section highlights the number of page views. A pie chart is partially visible, indicating a breakdown of different data elements.
Consultanță specializată

Furnizăm expertiză în gestionarea proiectelor științifice și evaluarea impactului acestora asupra comunității.

Formare profesională

Organizăm cursuri și workshop-uri pentru dezvoltarea abilităților în domeniul științelor sociale și aplicate.


Explorați inițiativele noastre și impactul științific.

A smartphone displays a news alert about COVID-19, with a headline urging people to protect themselves from the virus. The screen shows a group of people wearing masks, emphasizing health precautions. In the background, a world map highlights countries impacted by COVID-19 in red, and text from a report or article is partially visible.
A smartphone displays a news alert about COVID-19, with a headline urging people to protect themselves from the virus. The screen shows a group of people wearing masks, emphasizing health precautions. In the background, a world map highlights countries impacted by COVID-19 in red, and text from a report or article is partially visible.
Inovație științifică

Proiecte care transformă cunoștințele în soluții practice.

A digital icon featuring the word 'Identity' below an abstract symbol. The lower part displays a person symbol, two horizontal lines, and a stylized signature.
A digital icon featuring the word 'Identity' below an abstract symbol. The lower part displays a person symbol, two horizontal lines, and a stylized signature.
Colaborări internaționale

Parteneriate globale pentru avansarea științei și educației.

A hand holds a smartphone displaying a screen with colorful statistics related to health data. The numbers are large and prominent, with different colors assigned to each category for cases, recoveries, deaths, and suspicions.
A hand holds a smartphone displaying a screen with colorful statistics related to health data. The numbers are large and prominent, with different colors assigned to each category for cases, recoveries, deaths, and suspicions.
A document open to a page in German, featuring headings and text about blocking or deleting content, with an icon of a hand in a stop sign above the heading.
A document open to a page in German, featuring headings and text about blocking or deleting content, with an icon of a hand in a stop sign above the heading.
Cercetare aplicată

Studii care contribuie la dezvoltarea comunității științifice.

Proiecte educaționale

Iniciative pentru promovarea educației științifice în rândul tinerilor.


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